Class GroupedItemInvView.ItemInvStatistic

Enclosing interface:

public static final class GroupedItemInvView.ItemInvStatistic extends Object
Statistics associated with a single ItemFilter in a given inventory.
  • Field Details

    • filter

      public final ItemFilter filter
    • amount

      public final int amount
      The total amount of the given filter.
    • spaceAddable

      public final int spaceAddable
      The total amount of space that the given filter can be added to (where an inventory already contains a partial stack).
    • spaceTotal

      public final int spaceTotal
      The total amount of additional entries that could be added to by this filter. This might be -1 if the filter isn't specific enough to properly calculate this value.
  • Constructor Details

    • ItemInvStatistic

      public ItemInvStatistic(ItemFilter filter, int amount, int spaceAddable, int spaceTotal)