Class FluidInvUtil


public final class FluidInvUtil
extends java.lang.Object
4 base methods for interacting a Reference of an ItemStack with a FixedFluidInv, FluidTransferable, or FluidInsertable&FluidExtractable pair.

The 4 main methods are:

  1. interactItemWithTank(...): which is the base method for interacting anything with a tank (and doesn't do anything special)
  2. interactWithTank(...): Which uses interactItemWithTank internally, but adds excess items to the player's inventory as well as playing a sound.
  3. interactHandWithTank(...): Which uses interactWithTank internally, and interacts with the player's current held item. (This is the first method that doesn't require the caller to create a Reference themselves).
  4. interactCursorWithTank(...): Which uses interactWithTank internally, and interacts with the player's cursor stack (what the player has while they have a HandledScreen open). (This is the second method that doesn't require the caller to create a Reference themselves).