Class NetByteBuf

All Implemented Interfaces:
io.netty.util.ReferenceCounted, Comparable<io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf>
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class NetByteBuf extends
Special PacketByteBuf class that provides methods specific to "offset" reading and writing - like writing a single bit to the stream, and auto-compacting it with similar bits into a single byte.

In addition this overrides a number of existing methods (like writeBoolean(boolean), writeEnumConstant(Enum), writeVarInt(int), writeVarLong(long)

  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static class 
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static NetByteBuf
    static int
    static int
    static int
    static int
    static int
    static int
    static int
    static int
    static int
    static int
    static int
    static int
    static int

    Fields inherited from class

  • Constructor Summary

    NetByteBuf​(io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf wrapped)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static NetByteBuf
    asNetByteBuf​(io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf buf)
    Returns the given ByteBuf as NetByteBuf.
    static NetByteBuf
    static NetByteBuf
    buffer​(int initialCapacity)
    Bit version of PacketByteBuf.readerIndex().
    Bit version of PacketByteBuf.writerIndex().
    Reads a BlockPos using 3 readVarInt()s rather than BlockPos.fromLong(long).
    Reads a single boolean from some position in this buffer.
    readBytes​(int length)
    <E extends Enum<E>>
    readEnumConstant​(Class<E> enumClass)
    readFixedBits​(int length)
    Because PacketByteBuf.readIdentifier() can throw an InvalidIdentifierException, but
    Like readIdentifierSafe(), but returns null instead of throwing an error if the read string was invalid.
    Reads in a string, and tries to parse it as an Identifier.
    Reads a "marker" for debug purposes.
    Reads a string of up to Short.MAX_VALUE length.
    Reads out an integer using a variable number of bytes, assuming it was written by writeVarInt(int)
    Exposes the vanilla method for reading an unsigned integer using a variable number of bytes.
    Exposes the vanilla method for reading an unsigned long integer using a variable number of bytes.
    writeBlockPos​(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos pos)
    Writes out a BlockPos using 3 writeVarInt(int)s rather than BlockPos.asLong().
    writeBoolean​(boolean flag)
    Writes a single boolean out to some position in this buffer.
    writeEnumConstant​(Enum<?> value)
    writeFixedBits​(int value, int length)
    Writes a fixed number of bits out to the stream.
    writeIdentifier​(net.minecraft.util.Identifier id)
    Writes a "marker" for debug purposes.
    writeVarInt​(int ival)
    Writes out an integer using a variable number of bytes.
    writeVarLong​(long lval)
    Writes out a long integer using a variable number of bytes.
    writeVarUnsignedInt​(int ival)
    Exposes the vanilla method for writing out an unsigned integer using a variable number of bytes.
    writeVarUnsignedLong​(long lval)
    Exposes the vanilla method for writing out an unsigned long integer using a variable number of bytes.

    Methods inherited from class

    alloc, array, arrayOffset, asReadOnly, bytesBefore, bytesBefore, bytesBefore, capacity, capacity, compareTo, copy, decode, discardReadBytes, discardSomeReadBytes, duplicate, encode, ensureWritable, ensureWritable, equals, forEachByte, forEachByte, forEachByteDesc, forEachByteDesc, forEachInCollection, getBoolean, getByte, getBytes, getBytes, getBytes, getBytes, getBytes, getBytes, getBytes, getBytes, getBytes, getChar, getCharSequence, getDouble, getFloat, getInt, getIntLE, getLong, getLongLE, getMedium, getMediumLE, getShort, getShortLE, getUnsignedByte, getUnsignedInt, getUnsignedIntLE, getUnsignedMedium, getUnsignedMediumLE, getUnsignedShort, getUnsignedShortLE, getVarIntLength, getVarLongLength, getWrittenBytes, hasArray, hashCode, hasMemoryAddress, indexOf, internalNioBuffer, isDirect, isReadable, isReadable, isReadOnly, isWritable, isWritable, markWriterIndex, maxCapacity, maxWritableBytes, memoryAddress, nioBuffer, nioBuffer, nioBufferCount, nioBuffers, nioBuffers, order, order, readableBytes, readBitSet, readBlockHitResult, readByte, readByteArray, readByteArray, readBytes, readBytes, readBytes, readBytes, readBytes, readBytes, readBytes, readBytes, readBytes, readChar, readCharSequence, readChunkPos, readChunkSectionPos, readCollection, readDate, readDouble, readerIndex, readerIndex, readFloat, readInt, readIntArray, readIntArray, readIntLE, readIntList, readItemStack, readList, readLong, readLongArray, readLongArray, readLongArray, readLongLE, readMap, readMap, readMedium, readMediumLE, readNbt, readNbt, readRetainedSlice, readShort, readShortLE, readSlice, readString, readText, readUnlimitedNbt, readUnsignedByte, readUnsignedInt, readUnsignedIntLE, readUnsignedMedium, readUnsignedMediumLE, readUnsignedShort, readUnsignedShortLE, readUuid, refCnt, release, release, resetWriterIndex, retain, retain, retainedDuplicate, retainedSlice, retainedSlice, setBoolean, setByte, setBytes, setBytes, setBytes, setBytes, setBytes, setBytes, setBytes, setBytes, setBytes, setChar, setCharSequence, setDouble, setFloat, setIndex, setInt, setIntLE, setLong, setLongLE, setMedium, setMediumLE, setShort, setShortLE, setZero, skipBytes, slice, slice, toString, toString, toString, touch, touch, unwrap, writableBytes, writeBitSet, writeBlockHitResult, writeByte, writeByteArray, writeBytes, writeBytes, writeBytes, writeBytes, writeBytes, writeBytes, writeBytes, writeBytes, writeBytes, writeChar, writeCharSequence, writeChunkPos, writeChunkSectionPos, writeCollection, writeDate, writeDouble, writeFloat, writeInt, writeIntArray, writeIntLE, writeIntList, writeItemStack, writeLong, writeLongArray, writeLongLE, writeMap, writeMedium, writeMediumLE, writeNbt, writerIndex, writerIndex, writeShort, writeShortLE, writeString, writeString, writeText, writeUuid, writeZero

    Methods inherited from class io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf

    getDoubleLE, getFloatLE, readDoubleLE, readFloatLE, setDoubleLE, setFloatLE, writeDoubleLE, writeFloatLE

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • NetByteBuf

      public NetByteBuf(io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf wrapped)
  • Method Details

    • buffer

      public static NetByteBuf buffer()
      A new NetByteBuf from Unpooled.buffer()
    • buffer

      public static NetByteBuf buffer(int initialCapacity)
      A new NetByteBuf from Unpooled.buffer(int)
    • asNetByteBuf

      public static NetByteBuf asNetByteBuf(io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf buf)
      Returns the given ByteBuf as NetByteBuf. if the given instance is already a NetByteBuf then the given buffer is returned (note that this may result in unexpected consequences if multiple read/write Boolean methods are called on the given buffer before you called this).
    • getBitWriterIndex

      public int getBitWriterIndex()
      Bit version of PacketByteBuf.writerIndex().
    • getBitReaderIndex

      public int getBitReaderIndex()
      Bit version of PacketByteBuf.readerIndex().
    • copy

      public NetByteBuf copy()
      copy in class
    • readBytes

      public NetByteBuf readBytes(int length)
      readBytes in class
    • clear

      public NetByteBuf clear()
      clear in class
    • markReaderIndex

      public NetByteBuf markReaderIndex()
      markReaderIndex in class
    • resetReaderIndex

      public NetByteBuf resetReaderIndex()
      resetReaderIndex in class
    • saveReaderIndex

      public NetByteBuf.SavedReaderIndex saveReaderIndex()
    • resetReaderIndex

      public NetByteBuf resetReaderIndex(NetByteBuf.SavedReaderIndex index)
    • writeBoolean

      public NetByteBuf writeBoolean(boolean flag)
      Writes a single boolean out to some position in this buffer. The boolean flag might be written to a new byte (increasing the writerIndex) or it might be added to an existing byte that was written with a previous call to this method.
      writeBoolean in class
    • readBoolean

      public boolean readBoolean()
      Reads a single boolean from some position in this buffer. The boolean flag might be read from a new byte (increasing the readerIndex) or it might be read from a previous byte that was read with a previous call to this method.
      readBoolean in class
    • writeFixedBits

      public NetByteBuf writeFixedBits(int value, int length) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Writes a fixed number of bits out to the stream.
      value - the value to write out.
      length - The number of bits to write.
      This buffer.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the length argument was less than 1 or greater than 32.
    • readFixedBits

      public int readFixedBits(int length) throws IllegalArgumentException
      length - The number of bits to read.
      The read bits, compacted into an int.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the length argument was less than 1 or greater than 32.
    • writeEnumConstant

      public NetByteBuf writeEnumConstant(Enum<?> value)
      writeEnumConstant in class
    • readEnumConstant

      public <E extends Enum<E>> E readEnumConstant(Class<E> enumClass)
      readEnumConstant in class
    • writeBlockPos

      public NetByteBuf writeBlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos pos)
      Writes out a BlockPos using 3 writeVarInt(int)s rather than BlockPos.asLong().
      writeBlockPos in class
    • readBlockPos

      public net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos readBlockPos()
      Reads a BlockPos using 3 readVarInt()s rather than BlockPos.fromLong(long).
      readBlockPos in class
    • writeVarInt

      public NetByteBuf writeVarInt(int ival)
      Writes out an integer using a variable number of bytes.

      Unlike vanilla this doesn't use 5 bytes for all negative numbers.

      writeVarInt in class
    • readVarInt

      public int readVarInt()
      Reads out an integer using a variable number of bytes, assuming it was written by writeVarInt(int)
      readVarInt in class
    • writeVarUnsignedInt

      public NetByteBuf writeVarUnsignedInt(int ival)
      Exposes the vanilla method for writing out an unsigned integer using a variable number of bytes.

      Unlike writeVarInt(int) this only uses less than 5 bytes for non-negative integers less than pow(2, 8 * 3 - 1) ()

    • readVarUnsignedInt

      public int readVarUnsignedInt()
      Exposes the vanilla method for reading an unsigned integer using a variable number of bytes.

      Unlike readVarInt() this only uses less than 5 bytes for non-negative integers less than pow(2, 8 * 3 - 1) ()

    • writeVarLong

      public NetByteBuf writeVarLong(long lval)
      Writes out a long integer using a variable number of bytes.
      • 1 byte for -64 to 63
      • 2 bytes for -8,192 to 8,191
      • 3 bytes for -1,048,576 to 1,048,575
      • 4 bytes for -134,217,728 to 134,217,727

      Unlike vanilla this doesn't use 9 bytes for all negative numbers.

      writeVarLong in class
    • readVarLong

      public long readVarLong()
      readVarLong in class
    • writeVarUnsignedLong

      public NetByteBuf writeVarUnsignedLong(long lval)
      Exposes the vanilla method for writing out an unsigned long integer using a variable number of bytes.

      Unlike writeVarInt(int) this only uses less than 9 bytes for non-negative integers less than pow(2, 8 * 7 - 1) ()

    • readVarUnsignedLong

      public long readVarUnsignedLong()
      Exposes the vanilla method for reading an unsigned long integer using a variable number of bytes.

      Unlike readVarInt() this only uses less than 9 bytes for non-negative integers less than pow(2, 8 * 7 - 1) ()

    • writeIdentifier

      public NetByteBuf writeIdentifier(net.minecraft.util.Identifier id)
      writeIdentifier in class
    • readIdentifier

      @Deprecated public net.minecraft.util.Identifier readIdentifier()
      Because PacketByteBuf.readIdentifier() can throw an InvalidIdentifierException, but
      readIdentifier in class
    • readIdentifierSafe

      public net.minecraft.util.Identifier readIdentifierSafe() throws InvalidInputDataException
      Reads in a string, and tries to parse it as an Identifier. If the string is a valid identifier then it is returned, however if it isn't then InvalidInputDataException is thrown.
      InvalidInputDataException - if the read string wasn't a valid Identifier.
    • readIdentifierOrNull

      @Nullable public net.minecraft.util.Identifier readIdentifierOrNull()
      Like readIdentifierSafe(), but returns null instead of throwing an error if the read string was invalid.
    • readString

      public String readString()
      Reads a string of up to Short.MAX_VALUE length.

      NOTE: This is just PacketByteBuf.readString() but available on the server as well.

      readString in class
    • isRecordingMarkers

      public boolean isRecordingMarkers()
      True if writeMarker(String) actually does anything.
    • writeMarker

      public void writeMarker(String id)
      Writes a "marker" for debug purposes. If debugging is disabled then this won't do anything.
    • readMarker

      public void readMarker(String id) throws InvalidInputDataException
      Reads a "marker" for debug purposes. If debugging is disabled then this won't do anything. Otherwise this will throw an exception if the marker ID's didn't match.