All Classes and Interfaces

The base class for AttributeList and ItemAttributeList.
Implementation helper class for LBA Combined.
Skeleton class for use when exposing an attribute (like a fluid inventory) from an item that is contained in a reference.
Base interface for FixedItemInvView and GroupedItemInvView.
An FluidFilter over a predefined array of FluidFilter's.
An ItemFilter over a predefined array of ItemFilter's.
The central holding class for all attribute instances.
Search result for block attributes.
A Block that contains attributes.
A BlockEntity that contains attributes.
An Item that contains attributes.
Static factories for Attribute instances.
Defines the priority used for custom attribute adders.
Misleadingly named class: this only stores the boolean checker EXPENSIVE_DEBUG_CHECKS, and doesn't actually have any other utility methods.
Exact version of FluidAmount.
A ColouredFluidKey which gets it's colour from a Biomes water colour.
A fluid that changes it's makup based on the Biomes that it is taken from.
Base interface to add attributes for BlockEntitys that you haven't defined.
Placeholder class until caches are worked out.
A fluid volume that stores it's colours as 4 floats: red, green, blue, and alpha.
A DefaultedAttribute that also provides a "get" method to combine every found attribute into a single one, using an AttributeCombiner.
An Object that combines several sub objects of one type into a single object of the same type.
An FixedFluidInv that delegates to a list of them instead of storing items directly.
An FixedFluidInvView that delegates to a list of them instead of storing items directly.
An FixedItemInv that delegates to a list of them instead of storing items directly.
An FixedItemInvView that delegates to a list of them instead of storing items directly.
A combined version of multiple GroupedItemInvView's.
Used primarily by Attribute to manage the custom adder list, and FluidContainerRegistry to manage filters for fluids.
A FluidFilter that either matches everything (ConstantFluidFilter.ANYTHING) or matches nothing (ConstantFluidFilter.NOTHING)
Simple interface for converting this object into another Class.
Compat for
An Attribute which offers "getFirst" which returns a non-null default value rather than the null default that Attribute provides.
Default FluidVolumeRenderer that can handle most default fluid types - if the FluidVolume is for a non-null minecraft Fluid then this will use the sprites provided from the FluidRenderHandlerRegistry.
A simple delegate base class for FixedFluidInv.
A simple delegate base class for FixedItemInv.
A Reference that can be modified until DestroyableRef.destroy() is called, after which all calls to DestroyableRef.set(Object) and DestroyableRef.isValid(Object) will return false.
A simple implementation of FixedItemInv.ModifiableFixedItemInv that supports all of the features that the interface exposes.
An FixedFluidInv with no tanks.
An FixedItemInv with no slots.
GroupedFluidInvView for an empty inventory.
GroupedItemInvView for an empty inventory.
An FluidFilter that only matches on a single FluidKey.
An ItemFilter that only matches on a single Item.
A ReadableItemFilter, similar to ExactItemFilter but which matches any of the Items in a Set.
An ItemFilter that only matches on a single ItemStack, using ItemStackUtil.areEqualIgnoreAmounts(ItemStack, ItemStack).
A FluidInsertable that delegates to another FluidInsertable, but has an additional filter as to what can be inserted.
An ItemInsertable that delegates to another ItemInsertable, but has an additional filter as to what can be inserted.
A FixedFluidInvView that can have it's contents changed.
A view of a fixed inventory for fluids, where the number of tanks never changes, and every tank is "simple": The fluid will stay in the tank until it is removed or changed by something else.
An FixedItemInv that wraps a vanilla Inventory.
An FixedItemInv that wraps a vanilla Inventory.
A FixedItemInvView that can have it's contents changed.
The "complex" variant of FixedItemInv that always returns copies of the stack held.
The "simpler" variant of FixedItemInv which allows callers to freely modify the current ItemStack contained in it's inventory.
A view of a fixed inventory for items, where the size of the inventory never changes, and every slot is "simple": The amount of every slot will never exceed 64, the normal maximum stack size of minecraft. The stack will stay in the slot until it is removed or changed by something else.
An FixedItemInv that wraps a vanilla SidedInventory for a particular side.
A simple mixed fraction.
Specifies how merged FluidAmount's should handle rounding.
Central storage for fluid Attribute instances.
Maps Item instances to empty and full containers.
Fill handler for an empty ItemStack.
Identifier equivalent for FluidKey.
Defines an object that can have fluids extracted from it.
A general Predicate interface for FluidKeys.
Defines an object that can have fluids inserted into it.
A FluidFilter that checks to see if the given FluidInsertable could have the fluid inserted into it, right now.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
A tracker object that tries to ensure that the "no modification" rule that methods like FixedFluidInvView.getInvFluid(int) use is followed.
4 base methods for interacting a Reference of an ItemStack with a FixedFluidInv, FluidTransferable, or FluidInsertable&FluidExtractable pair.
Various utilities for dealing with fluids contained in single ItemStacks.
A factory for FluidVolume instances.
Interface for minecraft Fluid to implement to customise the implicit FluidKey that gets created for them.
The central registry for storing FluidKey instances, and mapping Fluid and Potion instances to them.
Some data that can be added to FluidVolumes.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This has been completely replaced by item-based attribute accessors and FluidContainerRegistry.
FluidEntry that is backed by a Registry.
A FluidFilter that matches any FluidKey in a Set of FluidKeys.
A FluidFilter that operates on a Tag of LBA's FluidKey's.
Base type for fluid temperature.
A Continuous FluidTemperature can have a range of temperatures for a single fluid.
A Discrete FluidTemperature has a single temperature per FluidKey.
Stores various options for creating tooltips for fluids.
Combined interface for FluidInsertable and FluidExtractable.
A FluidFilter that matches on what type it's based on.
A single unit that a FluidVolume may be expressed as, for example a bucket or a bottle.
Base class for FluidUnit and FluidUnitSet.
Multiple FluidUnits.
An amount of a FluidKey, analogous to forge's FluidStack class or RebornCore's FluidInstance class.
Helper class for rendering FluidVolume instances.
A simple, auto-expanding VertexConsumerProvider that can render any number of RenderLayer's at once, rather than VertexConsumerProvider.Immediate which can only render the ones provided to it in a map, and 1 other.
A simple, extendible, fixed size item inventory that supports all of the features that FixedItemInv.CopyingFixedItemInv exposes.
A modifiable version of GroupedFluidInvView, except that all modification methods are provided by FluidExtractable and FluidInsertable.
An GroupedFluidInv wrapper over an FixedFluidInv.
Statistics associated with a single FluidFilter in a given inventory.
A modifiable version of GroupedItemInvView, except that all modification methods are provided by ItemExtractable and ItemInsertable.
A GroupedItemInv wrapper over a FixedItemInv.
An alternative way of storing large numbers of ItemStack, without using large numbers of slots in a FixedItemInvView.
Statistics associated with a single ItemFilter in a given inventory.
Mixin for the hopper block entity to add support for LBA insertables and extractables.
Helper class for the HopperBlockEntity to implement the actual transfer logic.
General interface for any bucket-like Item to be exposed by default as a GroupedFluidInv in FluidAttributes.
Items that implement BucketItem should implement this interface to ensure that LBA gets the correct ItemStack from filling this with a fluid.
Similar to FluidDrainable, but for FluidVolume's.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Because DefaultFluidVolumeRenderer does everything that this does.
An Inventory that wraps an FixedItemInv.
The default implementation for FluidFilter.negate()
Variant of AttributeList but for Item's rather than Block's.
An abstract GroupedFluidInv for an AbstractItemBasedAttribute which only ever contains a single fluid, and can contain any amount of said fluid between 0 and it's capacity.
A ReadableItemFilter that only matches items that are Class.isInstance(Object) of a certain Class, and are NOT empty .
Defines an object that can have items extracted from it.
A specialised version of the Predicate functional interface for ItemStacks.
Predicate wrapper around an ItemFilter.
Defines an object that can have items inserted into it.
An ItemFilter that checks to see if the given ItemInsertable could have the stack inserted into it, right now.
A simple listener for an ItemInvAmountChangeListener that wraps an InvMarkDirtyListener.
A tracker object that tries to ensure that the "no modification" rule that methods like FixedItemInv.getInvStack(int) use is followed.
A specialised type of listener that won't receive the previous ItemStack that occupied the given slot.
Various hooks and methods for dealing with pairs of FixedItemInv, FixedItemInvView, ItemInsertable, ItemExtractable, and GroupedItemInvView instances.
A pair of ints, representing both the total number of stacks and the total number of items moved by ItemInvUtil.moveMultiple(ItemExtractable, ItemInsertable, ItemFilter, int, int).
Utility methods for creating Map's and Set's based on ItemStack's.
A ResolvableItemFilter that matches any Items in a Tag.
Combined interface for ItemInsertable and ItemExtractable.
A SimpleFixedFluidInv with a few optimisations to make the FluidInsertable, FluidExtractable, and GroupedFluidInvView implementations much faster than a simple inventory search for larger inventories.
Stores various options for LBA-fluids.
A type of Consumer that may or may not accept a given input.
A type of FixedFluidInv that wraps an existing FixedFluidInv and provides custom control over the actual modification of the wrapped FixedFluidInv.
A rule for a set of tanks.
A type of FixedItemInv that wraps an existing FixedItemInv and provides custom control over the actual modification of the wrapped FixedItemInv.
A rule for a set of slots.
A rule that is applied once for every FluidKey that matches the FluidFilter that was used in LimitedGroupedFluidInv.getRule(FluidFilter).
A rule that is applied once for every ItemStack that matches the ItemFilter that was used in LimitedGroupedItemInv.getRule(ItemFilter).
A token for any registered listener in LibBlockAttributes.
A token for any registered listener in LibBlockAttributes.
Default implementation for FixedItemInvView.getMappedInv(int...).
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Because any FluidKey can map to a single Fluid, and SimpleFluidKey has a much better name than this.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Because any FluidKey can map to a single Fluid, and SimpleFluidVolume has a much better name than this.
Marker interface for the various null-like implementations of item and fluid inventories.
An Object that wraps an object of a different type into some other type.
Various methods for getting Reference's and Consumer's from a PlayerEntity's various inventories.
A FluidFilter that operates on a Tag of vanilla minecraft's Fluid's.
Marker interface for FluidFilter that indicates that object obtaining instances of this might be able to read the real contents.
Marker interface for ItemFilter that indicates that object obtaining instances of this might be able to read the real contents.
A simple Reference that holds the value directly in the field Ref.obj, and accepts any new value.
A reference to some object.
An FluidInsertable that always refuses to accept any inserted FluidVolume.
An ItemInsertable that always refuses to accept any inserted ItemStack.
A type of ReadableFluidFilter that may be resolved at a later time to a fixed ReadableFluidFilter, but which isn't constant over time.
A type of ReadableItemFilter that may be resolved at a later time to a fixed ReadableItemFilter, but which isn't constant over time.
An object that can be saved and loaded (in place, unlike fluid keys or volumes which must be loaded from a specialised static method).
The base class for block search options.
Various methods for creating SearchOption instances.
A SidedInventory that wraps an FixedItemInv.
A simple, extendible, fixed size item inventory that supports all of the features that FixedFluidInv exposes.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This has been replaced with FixedFluidInv.getMappedInv(int...) followed by FixedFluidInv.getInsertable().
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
You should use either DirectFixedItemInv or FullFixedItemInv instead of this!
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use GroupedItemInvFixedWrapper instead of this!
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Simple implementation of a FluidKey that doesn't do anything special.
Simple implementation of a FluidVolume that doesn't do anything special.
A simple GroupedItemInv that has a limit on both the number of different items that this can store, and the total number of items that can be stored.
A simple implementation of LimitedFixedItemInv that makes no assumptions about the backing FixedItemInv.
Used in various places for testing [...]
A delegating accessor of a single slot in a FixedFluidInv.
A delegating view of a single slot in a FixedFluidInvView.
A delegating accessor of a single slot in a FixedItemInv.
A delegating view of a single slot in a FixedItemInvView.
Specialist Reference interface for ItemStacks.
A sub-view of an existing FixedFluidInvView.
Default implementation for FixedItemInvView.getSubInv(int, int).
A Reference that may be obtained through UnmodifiableRef.get(), but never allows the value to be changed in UnmodifiableRef.set(Object).
Compat handler for vanilla.